Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Monaluna Simple Life Tour

Monaluna Simple Life Blog Tour

Welcome to my stop on Phat Quarters Fabrics Simple Life Blog Tour. I love that this tour is featuring boy makes! Boys deserve to have gorgeous things created for them and this new fabric from Monaluna is just perfect for the job!

Thomas has waaaay too many clothes in his clothes right now, so I wanted to do something a bit different for him. He adores quilts, so I knew this would get some love.

I used Bear Family and Nature Walk for my main fabrics. My friend Jen over at Patterns by Jen helped me out and designed this beautifully simple quilt for me. She did an amazing job and it show cases these fabrics wonderfully.

I love a good bold binding, and this Herringbone was perfect.

Tours are always more fun with a giveaway! You can enter to win one of three fabulous prizes!

Prize 1: Half Yard bundle of the Simple Life fabric line
Prize 2: $25 gift certificate to Phat Quarters Fabrics
Prize 3: 3 half yards of Simple Life fabric

Go check out Crafty Like a Rox for her great boy look today! Her little guy always looks so sweet.

The other fab bloggers on the tour!

Monday:   Wild and Wanderful
Thursday: Ruby Rue Creations

And don't let this guy fool ya. He declined to go be photographed with his new quilt, but he snatched it right up when I got home. And he sat by me most of the time while it was getting the binding stitched on asking when I would EVER finish. Got to love a kid who loves and appreciates a handmade quilt.


  1. Beautiful! My grandson needs a quilt made of the bear fabric.

  2. Oh I love this so much! And found a new fabric line to love!

  3. I absolutely love this bear print, my grandson will be so pleased. Also love seeing fashion and ideas for boys.


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