Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Monaluna Simple Life Tour

Monaluna Simple Life Blog Tour

Welcome to my stop on Phat Quarters Fabrics Simple Life Blog Tour. I love that this tour is featuring boy makes! Boys deserve to have gorgeous things created for them and this new fabric from Monaluna is just perfect for the job!

Thomas has waaaay too many clothes in his clothes right now, so I wanted to do something a bit different for him. He adores quilts, so I knew this would get some love.

I used Bear Family and Nature Walk for my main fabrics. My friend Jen over at Patterns by Jen helped me out and designed this beautifully simple quilt for me. She did an amazing job and it show cases these fabrics wonderfully.

I love a good bold binding, and this Herringbone was perfect.

Tours are always more fun with a giveaway! You can enter to win one of three fabulous prizes!

Prize 1: Half Yard bundle of the Simple Life fabric line
Prize 2: $25 gift certificate to Phat Quarters Fabrics
Prize 3: 3 half yards of Simple Life fabric

Go check out Crafty Like a Rox for her great boy look today! Her little guy always looks so sweet.

The other fab bloggers on the tour!

Monday:   Wild and Wanderful
Thursday: Ruby Rue Creations

And don't let this guy fool ya. He declined to go be photographed with his new quilt, but he snatched it right up when I got home. And he sat by me most of the time while it was getting the binding stitched on asking when I would EVER finish. Got to love a kid who loves and appreciates a handmade quilt.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Twig and Tale Upcycle Tour

Today I'm participating in Twig and Tale's Upcycle Tour.

I love a good upcycle and often use adult size clothing found in thift stores or sheets for making clothes for Thomas. So, I was very excited to join in on this tour. Today, For today's Twig and Tale upcycle, I used the Little Red Riding Hood Cape. But instead of a cape, I created a swim cover.

Thomas and I are in love with this! I used 2 full size bath towel for my "fabric".

I placed the front edge of the front pattern piece along the existing hem of the towel. This allowed me to also use the towel detailing along the front of the cloak adding some interest to the front of the cover.

I also used the hem for the front of the hood. The bottom of the cloak was finished by simply serging the raw edge with matching thread. No hemming made this a really fast project!

Thomas is 6 years old and 52" tall, so for an oversized cover, sure to keep him cozy, I used the size 8-teen cloak. He is very happy with the generous sizing this gave him.

Go check out Twig and Tale for all the details and direct links to the tour. 

Blog tour overview page: Rafflecopter:
Tours are always more fun with a giveaway!
Enter to win 4 Twig and Tale patterns!


Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Boys Can Wear Pink Season 3 Day 5

Three years ago, I had this crazy idea to host a blog tour.

And not just any blog tour, I wanted it to feature boys, boys wearing pink. I was a new blogger and I was afraid nobody would want to join in. Boy was I wrong! That first year was amazing! So many bloggers wanted to join in that we had a blogger a day for the entire month of February! I had no clue what I was getting into!

The second year, a few months before #BoysCanWearPink's anniversary, I started getting asked if I was going to host the tour again. I had already been thinking about it, but the other bloggers' excitement told me that it had to be done! I had learned from the previous year and had another year of blogging under my belt. So I knew to knock the tour down to a week and we had multiple bloggers each day and a list of sponsors to do another giveaway.

This is year three!


 I have to say that I am blown away by the amount of support and love this tour receives. Readers and bloggers telling me how much they love this tour and how they look forward to it just makes my heart melt. Knowing that we are helping people learn to sew for their boys and how to incorporate a rainbow of colors into their wardrobe makes all the work worth it.


Thank you for all your support!

Okay, I'm done being mushy. Who wants to know who won Wednesday's giveaway?

Tasha Gray!!

Congratulations, Tasha!!! You have won:

(bundles excluded)
Pattern of choice from Max & Meena Patterns
Pattern of choice from PUPERITA
Pattern of choice from Striped Swallow Designs
Pattern of choice from Stitch Upon a Time
Pattern of choice from EYMM
Pattern of choice from The Wolf and the Tree
$30 gift certificate from Girl Charlee

Please watch your email, the sponsors will be contacting you shortly!


Today is the final day of the blog tour for Boys Can Wear Pink.

I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!

Wrapping up our tour we have Melissa from Rebel and Malice. I don't know about your son, but mine would LOVE that flamingo fabric!

 We also have Joelle from EYMM with this trio of cuties!

 Jessica from The Berry Bunch has a son who was so excited to wear his pink shirt!


Melissa from Tales of a Tester used some fun fabric from our sponsor Mabel Madison. Seriously, pink race cars!!!! 

 And Michelle from Falafel and the Bee knocked it out of the park again this year sewing for her husband. I can't love this enough.

 Now, are you ready for our biggest giveaway yet this week?

We have twice the prizes to offer to a SINGLE winner!

 For our winner we have:

(no bundles please)
2 digital designs of choice from Thread and Grain
2 PDF patterns of choice from Sunday Girl Designs
2 Patterns of choice from CKC Boys Patterns
3 PDF pattern pack from Ellie And Mac
Pattern of choice from 5 out of 4 Patterns
Pattern of choice from New Horizons
Pattern of choice from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
Pattern of choice from Little Moo Designs
Pattern of choice from Laela Jeyne Patterns
$30 gift certificate to AVTR Fabric
$30 gift certificate from Phat Quarters  

A special thank you to all the bloggers on the tour!


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Boys Can Wear Pink Season 3 Day 4

Boys Can Wear Pink Day 4

Here we are at day 4 already. Wow! This week always goes by so fast!

Let's start with announcing Tuesday's winner, shall we?

Congratulations, Tove Andersdotter!!!!

Tove has won the following prizes:
Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads
$15 shop credit from Sofilantjes
Pattern of choice from Twig + Tale
Pattern of choice from Pickle Toes Patterns
Pattern of choice from stitchART
Mystery pack of fabric and three yard pre-order credit from Piccadilly
(bundles excluded)
  Thank you to all the sponsors!!
Today we have some more great looks to share!
My son is in LOVE with Roxanne's son's new jacket. You can drool over it on her blog Crafty Like a Rox

The Shaffer Sisters, Scary made the cutest Valentine's outfit for her son!

Suzanne from Winter Wear Designs used the cutest geometric fabric for her son's look!

And we have Create Kids Couture joining us with a super cool boy's look I love!

Danielle from The Kisses Co. is joining us with this amazing shirt for her son. How cool is that?!

Today's giveaway is sponsored by these amazing companies!

The prize package includes:

 (bundles excluded)

Issue of choice from One Thimble
Pattern of choice from Swoodson Says
Pattern of choice from Mummykins and Me
Pattern of choice from Handmaiden’s Cottage
$20 credit for Patterns for Pirates
$20 gift certificate to Mabel Madison


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Boys Can Wear Pink Season 3 Day 3

Welcome to Day 3

 Let's start with announcing the winner to Monday's rafflecopter!

Are you ready?

Drum roll please.................

Congratulations, Rachel Howe!!!!

 The sponsors will be contacting you, so please watch your email closely!

Rachel won
Boys Pattern Bundle from Love Notions Patterns
Pattern of choice from Pollywoggles
Pattern of choice from Cole’s Corner and Creations
Pattern of choice from Snuggle My Baby Patterns
Pattern of choice from Sisboom
$25 gift certificate from Hawthorne Threads
(Bundles excluded)
Thank you Monday's sponsors!

Now for today's bloggers! 

Kate from The Fairy Dust Bin created an out of this world shirt for her son.

Katie Lee created two great looks with pink for her two sons. You can find her over at Creative Counselor.

 And now we have Pattern Revolution sharing a bold pink that works great for a boy's outfit.


For today's giveaway, I would like to thank the following sponsors


Today's prizes are

Pattern of choice from Max & Meena Patterns
Pattern of choice from PUPERITA
Pattern of choice from Striped Swallow Designs
Pattern of choice from Stitch Upon a Time
Pattern of choice from EYMM
Pattern of choice from The Wolf and the Tree
$30 gift certificate from Girl Charlee
  (bundles excluded)

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Boys Can Wear Pink Season 3 Day 2

Welcome to day 2 of BCWP!

Are you guys ready for day 2? I really don't know how I ended up with such amazing bloggers to work with each year. I am so so grateful for all of the hard work and energy that they put into their posts and their help making this tour such a success. 

Because let's get real, without them, it would just be me sharing some pictures of my son in his handmade clothes. The bloggers make this tour what it is.

I want to share Thomas's quilt today.

 Now, I know, it's Boys Can WEAR Pink, but dang it, they can sure sleep under it also. ;) A few months ago I made Thomas this scrappy quilt.

(yucky phone pic)

As you can see, plenty of pink fabrics are included.

He clearly doesn't care though!
(again, yuck phone pic)

He adores this quilt and sleeps with it every single night. Pink fabrics and all.

Now back to the clothes!

Today we have five more talented bloggers.

Tami from Sew Sophie Lynn always has the best dressed kids!

I am totally in love with Lindsay's son. You can find him over on Doodle Number 5.

Carrie from Beri Bee Designs used the coolest fabric for her son!

And Courtney from The Wholesome Mama made her little boy a shirt he doesn't want to ever take off!

Seriously great looks from everybody! Again! How do they keep doing it?!

How about today's giveaway?

Today's we are giving away 
Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads
$15 shop credit from Sofilantjes
Pattern of choice from Twig + Tale
Pattern of choice from Pickle Toes Patterns
Pattern of choice from stitchART
Mystery pack of fabric and three yard pre-order credit from Piccadilly
(no bundles please)