Today is the last day in our Boys Can Wear Pink series. It has been FANTASTIC!! I have truly enjoyed seeing all the great looks created by everybody. To wrap things up, Scary over at
Shaffer Sisters made a gender rules breaking outfit for her little
cuddle monster.
Today I have one more look to share as well. Did you know I have a teenager? A big boy teenager. I do. He doesn't like to have the camera pointed at him often, so you won't see much of him. And because he is a teen, I try very hard to respect his space and coolness and not drag him around into the little world I live in here occasionally. But, my big old 17 year old thought this bow tie was pretty sweet and he asked if he could be the one who modeled it for me. (Really, I was teasing him one day with it and told him I was going to make him model it for me and he jump at the chance to do it. Cool, huh!) So here he is, making his blogging debut.

Isn't he handsome. :) I made this bow tie using Peek-a-Boo's Little Gentleman's Tie pattern. It's the child size, but other than the neckband being too small for an adult, the size of the bow tie looks nice. I made this for Thomas. Never in a million years did I think this guy would want a pink plaid bow tie. But he loves it and kept it. I need to make a new band for him. We safety pinned it on here. LOL
I know the vest is way cool also. I didn't make that. Though I have been challenged a bit to make a vest myself using this one as a guide. I love a challenge, so I may just do that. But for those interested, the vest is from The Buckle. I have no clue if they still have it. We got it back in December.
Today is also the last day to enter the giveaway! TONS of fabulous prizes are going to been given to one winner. I will announce the winner tomorrow and email the winner as well.
Giveaway rules:
By entering into the giveaway, you are agreeing to the following rules:
International entries welcome, but winners outside of the US will be responsible for shipping of physical prizes.
You must be 18 or older to enter.
Winner will be notified via email within 24 hours of the end of the
giveaway. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new winner
will be chosen.
Thank you to all the awesome sponsors and bloggers who participated!! If you want to see all the looks created for Boys Can Wear Pink, click the button on the sidebar, or go
This has been a fabulous first series and I plan to do more and to repeat this next February!
These two guys would like to remind you that boys of all ages can wear whatever color they like, be it black, red, blue or pink! Colors do not assign gender. Use whatever crayon in the box makes you happy. And if somebody dares to break your crayon, just pull out a marker and go to town.