I almost titled this post "How to dress a boy for a concert". True. It's awfully long for a title, though. But really, that it what this post is. Did you know that you have real choices when it comes to what you can dress your little man in for his little holiday concert this year? You don't HAVE to do khakis and a button down, or a polo. Really. I mean, if you want to, go for it! But you can do so much more!
We went with hipster musician.
Nobody ever said that musicians have to be composed. ;)
But we can fake composed.
So, want the details in this outfit? I knew I wanted to do a giant bow tie. I used Peek-a-Boo's Little Gentleman's Tie. It was really fast to sew up. And I love that all the seams are hidden or enclosed so it has a really nice finished look. I did a child size for a slightly over sized look. And really, yellow polka dots had to happen.
Okay, maybe we can't fake composed.
His shirt is Peek-a-Boo's Classic Oxford.
Hands down, one of my favorite patterns. The results are so
professional looking. You can't see it, and that's okay, but the collar
and cuffs have fun contrasting fabrics. I love little touches like that. He knows he has bikes on his cuffs and he loves it.

Now the vest. That vest melts my heart! It's brand new in the works from Love Notions Patterns. You can follow her facebook page to find out the minute it's released. The vest pattern is great! A very fast sew! And this can be casual, or dressy like I have done here. I want to make another and add welt pockets.
Wow, he looks way older than 4 in that picture above.
The pants are Small Fry Skinny Jeans from Titchy Threads. I have eyed that pattern for quite a while now and finally took the plunge and bought it for this outfit. Gotta say, LOVE it! Such professional results! The sizing was good. Thomas measured a 3 for his waist and hips and a 5 for length. I extended them a few inches past to do a cuffed leg.
And then, we have the purple Converse. He decided he wanted purple shoes last week. He was thrilled when we went and bought them. I had a heck of a time keeping them clean for the concert because he wanted to wear them every single day.
There you have it! One very stylish boy. We received a lot of compliments on his little outfit. And I gotta say, he did stand out a little bit. It could be because he was making faces like this though.
He was so excited to play on the stage. He has watched his sister preform for years. Unfortunately, my seat, though excellent for pictures of Thomas, was not so hot for getting pictures of Kate.
This was my view, if I hung my head out into the aisle. And the teacher leaned slightly to the right.
And I could only see her for this one part of the concert. For her other song, with the larger group, I couldn't even find her shoes. LOL
I did get this one before the show. Not a good one. She was too busy chatting with her friends to hang with me for a minute to change camera setting between a bright stage and a dark corner.
(sssshhhh! that dress is store bought. It's a hand me down from her sister from several years back. She almost went with a handmade dress, but then saw this hanging. And well, this was a bit fancier and she won't really have another chance to wear it.)
Oh well, I do have many beautiful shots of her from her past five years in the program.
Just not tonight.
He concentrated so hard during his songs. He has practiced hard since he started playing in early October. Or was it September? I can't remember. Bad mommy moment. I should be able to count the days he has been playing, right. Oh well, fourth child and all that jazz.
"What?! You don't know exactly how many minutes I've been playing cello?!"
This guy couldn't have been a bigger ham. Such personality.
So now are you armed with ideas for what to sew for your little man for his holiday concert?
Take a bow, buddy. You worked hard and you deserve it.
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This post contains affiliated links. :)