Saturday, February 28, 2015

BCWP, Day 28

Today is the last day in our Boys Can Wear Pink series. It has been FANTASTIC!! I have truly enjoyed seeing all the great looks created by everybody. To wrap things up, Scary over at Shaffer Sisters made a gender rules breaking outfit for her little cuddle monster.

 Today I have one more look to share as well. Did you know I have a teenager? A big boy teenager. I do. He doesn't like to have the camera pointed at him often, so you won't see much of him. And because he is a teen, I try very hard to respect his space and coolness and not drag him around into the little world I live in here occasionally. But, my big old 17 year old thought this bow tie was pretty sweet and he asked if he could be the one who modeled it for me. (Really, I was teasing him one day with it and told him I was going to make him model it for me and he jump at the chance to do it. Cool, huh!) So here he is, making his blogging debut.

Isn't he handsome. :) I made this bow tie using Peek-a-Boo's Little Gentleman's Tie pattern. It's the child size, but other than the neckband being too small for an adult, the size of the bow tie looks nice. I made this for Thomas. Never in a million years did I think this guy would want a pink plaid bow tie. But he loves it and kept it. I need to make a new band for him. We safety pinned it on here. LOL

I know the vest is way cool also. I didn't make that. Though I have been challenged a bit to make a vest myself using this one as a guide. I love a challenge, so I may just do that. But for those interested, the vest is from The Buckle. I have no clue if they still have it. We got it back in December.

Today is also the last day to enter the giveaway! TONS of fabulous prizes are going to been given to one winner. I will announce the winner tomorrow and email the winner as well.

The prize package includes:
One yard of Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads

Giveaway rules:
By entering into the giveaway, you are agreeing to the following rules:
International entries welcome, but winners outside of the US will be responsible for shipping of physical prizes.
You must be 18 or older to enter.
Winner will be notified via email within 24 hours of the end of the giveaway. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen. 

Thank you to all the awesome sponsors and bloggers who participated!! If you want to see all the looks created for Boys Can Wear Pink, click the button on the sidebar, or go here.  This has been a fabulous first series and I plan to do more and to repeat this next February! 

 These two guys would like to remind you that boys of all ages can wear whatever color they like, be it black, red, blue or pink! Colors do not assign gender. Use whatever crayon in the box makes you happy. And if somebody dares to break your crayon, just pull out a marker and go to town.

Friday, February 27, 2015

BCWP, Day 27

Today I am going to share with some something that I have already shared, but it is worth bringing back for this series. This shirt.

I adore this shirt. Everything about it. I love this fabric so much. And seeing everybody use it for girl's items made me want to use it for Thomas even more to prove that it is gender neutral. But because of the little pink flowers, it was being used pretty exclusively for girls. 

As you can see, it is very much a "boy's shirt" on Thomas. He loves lighting bugs so this shirt is one of his favorites. :)

And did you know that boys can wear pink underwear too? They can. ;) I'll spare you the model shots, but I can assure you that they are freaking adorable on him and he thinks they are the funniest underwear in is collection.

Excuse how terribly wrinkled they are. He actually does use these. They are clean, I promise. But really, who irons underwear? 

There is still time to entire the giveaway! It ends tomorrow and I will share the winner on Sunday, March 1. It's a pretty amazing prize package, so you don't want to miss your chance to win it.

The prize package includes:
One yard of Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads

Thank you to our amazing sponsors! And there is still time to save 15% at Mabel Madison using the coupon code "PINKBOYS"! That deal ends tomorrow as well. And you can share your pink creations on facebook using the #boyscanwearpink. We would love to see them!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

BCWP, Day 26

Just a couple days left in Boys Can Wear Pink. The bloggers aren't slowing down with their awesome looks, though! Danielle from The Kisses Co. created several looks using pink for her boys and they are so handsome!

And Meriel is sharing a sweet look perfect for a little baby boy that is colorful and cheery on her blog create3.5.

There is still time to enter the giveaway sponsored by these awesome people!

The prize package includes:
One yard of Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads
And you can check out all the looks for Boys Can Wear Pink here!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

BCWP, Day 25

Friends Stitched Together is back and this time Tasha has a look to share! Her little guy designed an amazing shirt that he is super proud of! I love that he got into designing a shirt for himself.

Erin from The Bugs Bit is also with us with looks for the guys in her family! Her husband really jumped on board with this proving that boys and men can wear pink!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

BCWP, Day 24

 Pattern Revolution is joining the series today with several looks for Boys Can Wear Pink!
  Three completely different looks were created by a few of their team to show how  pink can be worked into a boy's wardrobe.

We also have Sara from Made by Sara with a really great way to add just a touch of pink to a boy's wardrobe. Because let's face it, some kids (boys and girls!) don't want a screaming pink article of clothing. I am in love with the striped fabric she used!

Thank you to all the bloggers who have participated!!

Monday, February 23, 2015

BCWP, Day 23

We are in our final week of the Boys Can Wear Pink series! Today we have two amazing bloggers sharing their looks.

Emily from Lady and the Gents has her boys sporting super cute appliqued shirts. I love how these shirts turned out! I love the touch of pink with the gray and black.

Also, Essence from Amazing Adventures with Bubba and Bug is back with a second look for Boys Can Wear Pink. This look is completely different than her first look. Today her son is rocking a brightly colored oxford that would cheer anybody up!

Don't forget we have a giveaway going along with this series from this list of amazing sponsors!

The prize package includes:
One yard of Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads

Sunday, February 22, 2015

BCWP, Day 22

Today we have two fantastic bloggers showing us two entirely different ways that boys can wear pink! First up is Melissa from Rebel & Malice with a super cool floral shirt.

And we have Kate from The Fairy Dust Bin with a super fun and cute pink robot tee shirt.

Both of these are such great looks!! Thank you for joining the series ladies!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

BCWP, Day 21

Super crazy day today for us! I hope you guys all had a chance to stop on over at Phat Quarters Blog and check out what Gemia did for Boys Can Wear Pink today. Boys can totally wear pink bandana bibs with hearts on them! I love it!

Friday, February 20, 2015

BCWP, Day 20

Today, for Boys Can Wear Pink, we have a pink wearing divo courtesy of Roxanne from Pen, Seb & Rox. (A divo is a boy diva. True story, Roxanne looked it up!) This little guy knows what he likes and has his own idea about style. And boy, does he ever have style and the personality to go with it!!

Your little guy is amazing, Roxanne! Thanks for sewing for him and the series!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

BCWP, Day 19

You are not going to believe the look put together by Michelle at Falafel and the Bee! This is total manly pink awesomeness. There is nothing girly about pink here! Michelle sewed this amazing vest for her husband for Boys Can Wear Pink. My son would LOVE a vest like this!

Thank you, Michelle and thanks to your husband as well!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

BCWP, Day 18

How about a little retro feeling look for today's Boys Can Wear Pink! Jessica from Squishy Face did just that for her son. And he rocks the look!

Thanks, Jessica!! I love your look and how much your son owns it!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

BCWP, Day 17

Today, Jessica from The Berry Bunch has a great pale pink and brown outfit for her guy for Boys Can Wear Pink. I love the style of that shirt! And the stripes are too fun!

This outfit looks so comfy! Thank you for joining the series, Jessica!

Monday, February 16, 2015

BCWP, Day 16

We have made it over half way through the series! Remember that freezer paper stencil I shared with you on day 1?

Well Karly from Paisley Roots did her own version of the shirt for her little guy. I LOVE the colors she used for the shirt!Be sure to check out her page for more details of her handsome little guy's new look!

If you are still wanting to make you own shirt, you can find the Silhouette Studio file here.
The PDF version, for those who don't have a Silhouette, is here.
And for those who embroider, Jazzy Zebra was totally cool and made both embroidery and applique files for FREE that you can find here.

If you make a shirt, or anything pink for your boy, I would love to see it! Join the Facebook group Sew for Boys and share what you made with the hashtag #boyscanwearpink. 

And don't forget the prizes we have from these amazing sponsors!
You can also get 15% your purchase from Mabel Madison using the code PINKBOYS through 2/28.

The prize package includes:
One yard of Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads

 To see a round up of all the bloggers looks we have had so far, you can click on the Boys Can Wear Pink button on the side bar, or click here.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

BCWP, Day 15

We have some not so little boys today showing us that even the big kids, and dad can wear pink and make it look cool! Essence from Adventures with Bubba and Bug made shirts for her son and husband that will make any big boy want a pink shirt.

Thanks Essence for proving that the big boys can wear pink, too!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

BCWP, Day 14

Happy Valentine's Day! Today's pink look is brought to you by Rachel from Handcrafted by RED. She created an awesome shirt for her little Paw Patrol fan. I can't let Thomas see this one, or he will be adding to my project list for sure!

Thanks, Rachel! I'm so glad your little guy loves his shirt!

Friday, February 13, 2015

BCWP, Day 13

It's Friday! Who is excited for Valentine's Day weekend? Hopefully you have gotten some great ideas out of this series for what you can make for your little boy to wear to celebrate this weekend.

Today we have Gemia from Phat Quarters Blog who used pink as a great accent for her son's shirt.

Thanks Gemia for sewing for the series!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

BCWP, Day 12

Today we have a double dose of pink from Jen of Just-Joshin and her sweet twin boys. Their little Valentine's Day bow tie and suspender sets melt my heart!

Thanks, Jen for joining us on the series!

We also have Ari from Max California with a bright pink shirt for her pink loving boy. I love that pink is his favorite color and he isn't afraid to let the world know it!

Thank you Ari for joining the series!

Have you missed out on the first half of the Boys Can Wear Pink series? Don't worry, you can find the link to the round up page here or on the side bar. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BCWP, Day 11, Pink Bus Pants

 First, a bit of shameless self promoting. I was honored to be asked by Sewing With Boys to do an interview for their blog. You can check it out here. :) If you have been wondering how I came up with the idea for Boys Can Wear Pink, or  anything else sewing related about me, you want to be sure to read it. :) Yeah, lots of smiley faces. Sorry! I'm a bit dorky and excited about being asked to do it. LOL 

On to the PINK!!
How has everybody been enjoying the series so far? I really hope it is opening up the color spectrum when it comes to sewing for the boys in your life! The bloggers have been doing an amazing job sharing how pink fits perfectly into a boy's wardrobe! Not a single "girly" look among them either. ;)

Now on to today's look! Today's post is sponsored by Mabel Madison. They provided the awesome fabric I used to make these killer pants.

When I went shopping to pick fabric for this project, I had the hardest time trying to decide what I wanted to use. Mabel Madison has so many amazing prints! When I decided to go with this Stenzo Jersey Pink Bus, I was thinking a cool shirt could come out of it. But once I got my hands on it, it had to be pants.

I used the Lazy Day Lounge Pants pattern by Gracious Threads. Thomas is super skinny, so they are a bit looser on him than the model pictures in the pattern show, because I cut a straight 6 for length for him instead of mashing together a 3 (yes! he is that skinny!) and a 6 for him. I like the fit. And they are super comfy so he can bust some amazing dance moves in this outfit.

The shirt is Peek-a-Boo's Grand Slam tee.
 I did a vinyl heat transfer design on it.

The bus fabric is a nice weight for jersey and was easy to work with. Not a lot of crazy curling edges, a little that is typical of jersey, but nothing that makes you lose 2" of fabric on each side or makes you want to pull your hair out.

 I was a little worried when out shoot started out with faces like above. He was really hyped up to go to McDonald's with his cousin after he was done working. I tell you what, though, lots of great smiles out of him for this set!

Though I have no idea what happened to his hair. Too much jumping around I guess.

Mabel Madison is running an awesome sale right now so now is a fabulous time to get your hands on some high quality Euro fabrics! Her sale is good through 2/15 with the code eurolove. Can't order until after the 15? Don't worry! You can use the code PINKBOYS for 15% off until 2/28. These codes can not be combined. Mabel Madison is also one of our prize sponsors along with these other great people!

The prize package includes:
One yard of Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads

Stop by tomorrow to find out who is sharing their Boys Can Wear Pink look! 

While the fabric I used for this post is sponsored, all the opinions on it are mine. They are honest opinions and I do highly recommend Mabel Madison and the fabrics they carry!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

BCWP, Day 10

Maegen from Mae & K made her son the sweetest pink boy tie for Boys Can Wear Pink. I love the style of this tie and will be sure to stalk her blog for the tutorial!

Tell your handsome little man thank you for modeling his pink bow tie for us, Maegen!

Monday, February 9, 2015

BCWP, Day 9

Today we have TWO bloggers sharing their great looks for Boys Can Wear Pink!

First up is Alyssa from Keep Calm and Carrion. She made the greatest My Little Pony outfit for her son. Hey, MLP is totally for boys too! Brony Power! 

And Amy from How I Make Stuff used the Boys Can Wear Pink embroidery file to make her son's pink look.

Thanks for sharing your great looks today!! I love seeing how everybody is using pink for the boys in their lives!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

BCWP, Day 8

Lindsay from Doodle Number 5 really took it out of the park with vintage flair today for our Boys Can Wear Pink series! Look at the amazing suit she put together for her little boy! She also went into a lot more detail about the history of pink, in her post. Very interesting stuff!!
Thank you for joining us, Lindsay!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

BCWP Day 7

We are on day 7 of the Boys Can Wear Pink series and today Erin from Crafty Biggers is sharing a great way to ease pink into a boy's look. And not only pink, but floral as well! Hop on over to her page to get the details of this great shirt! Thanks for joining the series, Erin!

Friday, February 6, 2015

BCWP, Day 6 Unicorn Love

I have been loving seeing everybody's use of pink in their boy's wardrobe! I hope you have too! Today, I am going to share with you, the pink unicorn shirt.

Yes, not only did I make him a bright pink shirt, this puppy has a UNICORN on it as well!

Having two older sisters, Thomas naturally loves some things that have been put onto the girl's team. Unicorns are one of those things. Why are unicorns considered girly??? Boys love magical creatures, too!

"What do you mean unicorns aren't for boys, too?!"

The unicorn is small, but it's there and it makes Thomas smile. (me, too!) I went with a small embroidered silhouette. Very traditional and non traditional at the same time.

He was a total goof ball for this photo shoot. I can't say it wasn't a blast to do these pictures. But he did want to wear his stenciled Boys Can Wear Pink shirt when I told him we had pictures to do. Honestly. He loves that shirt!

I absolutely LOVE this color on him. There will be more shirts of this color in his closet.

Photo shoots first thing in the morning are rough! It was the crack of 9am. He needs to contact his agent and get better working conditions.

 But don't worry, he had a lot of fun! You would never guess he wasn't a morning person this morning. 

The fabric is cotton/lycra from Purple Seamstress in hot pink. The shirt pattern is Peek-a-Boo's Classic Polo. The pants are Patterns for Pirates Cpt Comfort Jeans. He declares them cozy every time I put them on his because they are fully lined with flannel.
Thanks for stopping by! Check in tomorrow to see what the next blogger does!
 Don't forget to enter the giveaway to win an amazing prize package from my sponsors!

The prize package includes:
One yard of Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads