My little man here is falling in love more and more every day with super heroes.
His favorite, Batman, hands down.
He even has an awesome Batman room to prove it.
So I knew that a shirt with a cape built in had to happen.
And while it isn't Batman, he still loves it!
Want to make your super hero lover a caped shirt, too? It's easy!
Go grab your favorite t shirt pattern. My happens to be Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop's Boardwalk Henley and Hoodie right now. Seriously, LOVE this shirt!
Take the back of the shirt pattern and place it over the fabric you will be using for your cape. My cape is knit. This is important! If you are making a knit t shirt, your cape must also be knit so the neck band will stretch so you can get the shirt over your super hero's head. You can't go fight the bad guys if you can't get your shirt over your head!
Trace your pattern piece onto your cape fabric. Notice that I am working on the fold. I traced just the back of the neck and the shoulder seam. Then, mark a point about an inch in from the outside of the shoulder. This is where the edge of your cape will stop along the shoulder seam. You can decide for yourself how much of the shoulder you want your cape to take up. I wanted a good flow to it, but didn't want it to restrict his play.
Then decide how long you want your cape to be. You don't want it so long that it will get caught on things or get shut in doors. My cape is about 10 inches long for my size 4T son. It's a bit longer than the hood of a hoodie. Again, for safety reasons, don't make it long! Shorter is better here!
After you determine your length, use a straight edge and draw a line from the outer point you marked on the shoulder seam, to the bottom of your cape. See, it looks like a cape, right! Well, half a cape since my fabric is still folded, but you get the idea.
Now, cut that bad boy out! You are then going to make a cape sandwich! Yum! Place the back piece of your t shirt down, right side up. Then place your cape on top of it, right side up. Line up the shoulder and neck pieces. You can baste these together if you like. If you're a rebel like I am, you can sew everything together in one step. Place the front piece of your shirt on top of your cape, right side down. It will look like this.

See how easy that was! Now, being knit, we didn't finish off any edges of the cape. You are more than welcome to do this if you like, but it really isn't necessary since knit doesn't fray.
Horray for knit!!!
Now, go watch your little super hero save the day in his snazzy new shirt!!
Serious super hero face.
Hooray for capes!!!
Hooray for cool boy sewing!!!
Okay, so a disclaimer. Be smart. Don't make a super long cape that can
get caught in doors, or on branches while climbing trees, or in any other situation that escapes my imagination. Don't make a
cape that is long and can get caught in your child's bike tire. Maybe
don't let him ride a bike while wearing his super cool cape.
Keep your cape short to keep your child safe.
I'm not
responsible for capes causing weird accidents to your child. You are responsible for the safety of your child. :)