Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BCWP, Day 11, Pink Bus Pants

 First, a bit of shameless self promoting. I was honored to be asked by Sewing With Boys to do an interview for their blog. You can check it out here. :) If you have been wondering how I came up with the idea for Boys Can Wear Pink, or  anything else sewing related about me, you want to be sure to read it. :) Yeah, lots of smiley faces. Sorry! I'm a bit dorky and excited about being asked to do it. LOL 

On to the PINK!!
How has everybody been enjoying the series so far? I really hope it is opening up the color spectrum when it comes to sewing for the boys in your life! The bloggers have been doing an amazing job sharing how pink fits perfectly into a boy's wardrobe! Not a single "girly" look among them either. ;)

Now on to today's look! Today's post is sponsored by Mabel Madison. They provided the awesome fabric I used to make these killer pants.

When I went shopping to pick fabric for this project, I had the hardest time trying to decide what I wanted to use. Mabel Madison has so many amazing prints! When I decided to go with this Stenzo Jersey Pink Bus, I was thinking a cool shirt could come out of it. But once I got my hands on it, it had to be pants.

I used the Lazy Day Lounge Pants pattern by Gracious Threads. Thomas is super skinny, so they are a bit looser on him than the model pictures in the pattern show, because I cut a straight 6 for length for him instead of mashing together a 3 (yes! he is that skinny!) and a 6 for him. I like the fit. And they are super comfy so he can bust some amazing dance moves in this outfit.

The shirt is Peek-a-Boo's Grand Slam tee.
 I did a vinyl heat transfer design on it.

The bus fabric is a nice weight for jersey and was easy to work with. Not a lot of crazy curling edges, a little that is typical of jersey, but nothing that makes you lose 2" of fabric on each side or makes you want to pull your hair out.

 I was a little worried when out shoot started out with faces like above. He was really hyped up to go to McDonald's with his cousin after he was done working. I tell you what, though, lots of great smiles out of him for this set!

Though I have no idea what happened to his hair. Too much jumping around I guess.

Mabel Madison is running an awesome sale right now so now is a fabulous time to get your hands on some high quality Euro fabrics! Her sale is good through 2/15 with the code eurolove. Can't order until after the 15? Don't worry! You can use the code PINKBOYS for 15% off until 2/28. These codes can not be combined. Mabel Madison is also one of our prize sponsors along with these other great people!

The prize package includes:
One yard of Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads

Stop by tomorrow to find out who is sharing their Boys Can Wear Pink look! 

While the fabric I used for this post is sponsored, all the opinions on it are mine. They are honest opinions and I do highly recommend Mabel Madison and the fabrics they carry!


  1. I like this tease of pink with the manly solid black and white shirt

  2. Love these pants and I especially love those shoes with it! Awesome!


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