
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Boys Can Wear Pink 2019

Boys Can Wear Pink Season 5

We are back for season 5 of Boys Can Wear Pink! I can hardly believe we kicked this fun even off five years ago! Thomas was so little!!!

Let's take a quick trip down memory lane. 

Season 2, he still pretty much let me sew whatever I liked. He had his opinions, but they were simple requests to meet. He would wear a button down, but he wanted it to have soft sleeves and a hood is always a plus with him.

Season 3 he went more subtle with this awesome rainbow zebra print.

Season 4, he was back to bold. He fell head over heals for this screaming pink octopus print that he still wears all the time.

And that brings us to this year. Season 5

Where did his baby face go?!?!

Thomas is 8 now and he has some strong opinions on what he will wear. And what he won't.

And he loves this shirt. I took a chance and sewed it without running the idea by him first. When I showed it to him, he snatched it up and hugged it and said "If you have me try it on, you will NOT be getting it back!" Well, it still needed hemmed, so we didn't try it on just yet. ;)

Luckily it fit!! I used my pattern Driftwood that I released with Love Notions last summer. If you don't have the pattern, you should get it. ;) The men's version, Dockside is releasing today! Can you say matching father/son polos and henleys for Father's Day? 

So the shirt was a hit! I really was afraid this would be handed down to my niece next week. (She's next in line for the hand me downs on shirts.) Sorry sweet girl, you can have it later.

The shorts though. He's "eh" about them.

And that's cool. I'm okay with that. Again, I took a chance on fabric. He really doesn't care for the feel of most denims and he thumbs downed this as soon as I opened it based on feel alone. However, a trip through the washer and dryer softened it up considerably and he was more open to them. They have a knit waistband, so that helps out a lot as well. I used Love Notions Vanguard pants and chopped the pattern pieces to shorts length just above the knee pleats, then rolled them because I wanted a relaxed 80's pink denim vibe. He said he would wear them, but I know he would love them more if I used a knit. 

Overall, he really likes his outfit and says he will wear it. Hooray!!! Another year of success!!

For the record, my 21 year old son is really jealous about that floral shirt. I so wish I would have had more than just some scraps left of that fabric!

Thanks for joining us on the tour!! Below are the awesome bloggers who are sewing and blogging right along with me. Some have been with me since Season 1!! Please go visit them and leave some love on their blogs!