
Monday, June 25, 2018

Sew Americana Tour 2018

It's time for the Sew Americana Tour!

I love that Katy over at Wild and Wanderful does this each year. It's so fun to see all the cool takes on Americana style and ideas. In the past, I have sewn Fourth of July an outfit for my little guy and a quilt. Well, this year, it's my turn for some red, white, and blue!

The amazing ladies at Sly Fox Fabrics offered some beautiful fabrics for this tour. After going back and forth (deciding is HARD!) I picked out this gorgeous double brushed poly

As luck and great timing would have it, Love Notions Patterns had the Classic Tee in testing when my package of greatness arrived. Instantly, I knew this fabric was destined to become a Classic Tee.

Seriously, the most comfortable tee I have ever worn. So, did I mention that I received two yards of this fabulous fabric? And amazingly, the Classic Tee with short sleeves only takes a yard of fabric. That means, I had a yard of this greatness sitting on my cutting table just begging to be made into something. Shorts. It had to be shorts. So I pulled out my trusted Luna Loungewear pattern and made a pair of the most comfortable shorts ever.

And in doing so, I created a faux romper.

Seriously the best outfit I've ever sewn. It's crazy comfortable, cute as all get out (if I don't say so myself!) and I don't have to remove all my clothes just to use the potty. Um winner winner chicken dinner, folks!!

I live in the Midwest and it's usually 90 plus degrees with a million percent humidity for the Fourth of July. And I know a lot of people get hot in double brushed poly, but I don't seem to be one of them. I find this very cool and comfortable to wear.

I love that I have a cute outfit that has a great Americana feel, but doesn't scream "Hey, I'm wearing my Fourth of July outfit!" when I put this on in September.

And of course, this lovely fabric looks great with a pair of jeans also. This Classic Tee isn't going to see much of the inside of my closet. ;)

My summer goal is to learn to play the guitar. It's something I've wanted to do for years and finally decided to just go for it! 

I can only play a couple of cords at this point, but it's been fun learning. Anybody have any great websites or YouTube videos they have used for learning to play? I open to suggestions!

Back to the sewing. The Classic Tee is available now in the Love Notions shop. And want to know something awesome, you can get your own copy for FREE. To find out how, hop over to the listing. 

Stop by each of the great bloggers for tons of great American sewing inspiration!

Monday, June 25:
Tuesday, June 26:
Wednesday, June 27:
Thursday, June 28:
Friday, June 29: