
Friday, July 22, 2016

Catch Me on CraftingCon

Hello!! Today you can find me on CraftingCon sharing a quick tutorial for making Link's Adventure Pouch. Hop over and find out how!!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Skirting the Issue

Hello! Today I have the honor of posting for Simple Simon's Skirting the Issue. My  11 year old isn't really a skirt girl. But, when I made her BLAVERRY's Nina, she fell in love with it. I decided it was perfect to share with you. If an opinionated tween calls it a win, it's a fabulous thing.

Nina is a simple skater skirt with so many great features that set it apart.

To achieve a fantastic fit, there is a tapered, 4 piece waistband. (Don't worry, it goes together quick!) The back piece is slightly longer than the front piece, which I LOVED! It gave me a nice even hem all the way around, without being concerned with the backside being too short.

Look how beautifully that fits her waist! 

I sewed a simple, black cotton lycra skirt. She needed a staple and this was it. I left it unhemmed and also opted to not topstitch the seam at the waist to keep it a bit more casual. And because Kate needs all the length she can get.

I love simple, classic looks that can go a long way. Because Kate lives in leggings, jeans and tee shirts, cute stylish stuff like this doesn't get a lot of use. But, she needs it in closet for those occasions when she has a concert sneak up on us or she has a presentation to give at school and must look nice. And while it waits to be needed, I love that I don't have to worry about this going out of style from one season to the next. (and it's so quick to sew up, I don't have to freak out if she outgrows it!)

She liked it so much, she said she would even wear it to school this fall! I think it would be adorable paired with a simple tee and these red Vans. (Here she has it paired with BLAVERRY's Ollie.) Even though the skirt looks short because of how long Kate's legs are, it is longer than her finger tips at her side.

I think this skirt would be darling with a little blouse also. Something with some sweet puff sleeves and a Peter Pan collar. Not that Kate would ever wear a blouse with a Peter Pan collar, but, I can dream up cute outfits. ;)

While we are at it, what about some sweater tights, some tall boots and a fitted sweater. Love a versatile piece of clothing!!

Hopefully I've inspired you to sew a skirt for even your most "not usually a skirt type" girl. I mean really, we can't wear leggings and jeans all the time. What better alternative than a spunky modern skirt? ;)